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家庭科食教育教材を視野に入れ,手打ちうどん作りの捏ね回数や小麦粉の種類に注目し調理技術とおいしさの関係について以下のことを明らかにした。捏ね回数200回,400回,800回のうどんを官能検査により評価した結果,800回捏ねたうどんが最もおいしいことが認められた。捏ね時間は大学生で経験者が8分であったのに対し大学生,中学生の初心者が13~15分とほぼ同じで,小学生の初心者が16~17分と経験者に比べ約2倍であった。粉の種類は中力粉が適しているが,小学生で捏ねる力が弱い場合は強力粉:薄力粉が1:2の混合粉が捏ねやすく,中力粉に比べ大きな差はなくおいしいうどんができることがわかった。The textural properties of hand kneaded Japanese noodles were investigated by sensory test in the view of foodeducation.It was estimated that Japanese noodles kneaded800times was the most delicious as a result of a sensory evaluationestimating the Japanese noodles kneaded200times,400times and800times.The kneading time of beginner was twice long time as experienced unversity student. The kneading times wasalmost the same by the university student and junior high school student. The kneading time by the schoolchild'sbeginner was twice long time as the experienced university student.In the case that schoolchild's kneading power was weak, Japanese noodles of the hard flour and soft flour mixedat a rate of1:2were good quality.
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