日本の理科教育における予想と実験を中心とした教授法の系譜 : 概念変化研究の知見に基づいて
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The goal of this paper is to clarify conditions of learning environment that support learners to change their folk knowledge into scientific understanding. This research is a prerequisite for presenting a model of successful intentional conceptual change in the classroom. To achieve this goal, this paper examines arguments of Heiji Oikawa and Isaburo Kanbe. They assumed that predicting the outcome of experiments before experiments is useful for learners'successful conceptual change. Comparing their ideas with knowledge from research on conceptual change, this paper has revealed that cumulative and collaborative processes of prediction-experiment can meet the conditions necessary for fostering conceptual change of learners.
- 2012-03-10
論文 | ランダム
- 総説 NK細胞の生物学
- ヴォルフガング ブレツィンカ著, 小笠原道雄・坂越正樹監訳, 『教育目標・教育手段・教育成果 教育科学のシステム化』, 玉川大学出版部刊, 2009年7月発行, A5判, 397頁, 本体価格8,000円
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