知的障がいのある子どもを親元から離す際の母親の心理的プロセス : 緊急に入所施設利用に至った2事例から
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The purpose of this paper is to find explanations to the research questions; "what are the experiences of the elderly mothers before making children be residential institutes unexpectedly and after?" 2 mothers of children with mental retardation have participated. The process of making children be out-of-home consists of 3 stages: <1.the emergency phase>, <2.the complicated phase of residential placement utilization>, <3.the stable phase>. The promotional thought for the mothers to use of their children- living away from home is giving up for taking care of children any more. After starting utilization of residential placement, the mothers felt guilty strongly. To feel trust toward stuffs of residential institutes is important for mothers and related to positive evaluations toward the residential institutes. To support these mothers, information provision and attentive hearing is needed.
- 2012-03-10
論文 | ランダム
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