Trends in Livestock Population and Composition through Derived Productivity in Kyrgyzstan : A Case Study in Ala-Buka district <Article>
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Population of all major species of livestock has been constantly increasing over the years with decline in productivity at national and district levels. This study tries to analyse the major constraints affecting livestock population and composition and its derived productivity at household level. In this study 240 households selected randomly from two Village Governments of Ala-Buka district, representing entire two types of agro-pastoral systems, were surveyed by using semi-structured questionnaire. The results showed livestock population increase in both Village Governments in general, with predominance of different livestock species and by physiological state. Income from livestock was main trend in increasing livestock population and changing herd composition, whereas seasonality in forage supply and its shortage were basic trend in decreasing livestock numbers by species and declining productivity of livestock. Forage scarcity was main factor for regulating of herd size and time shortage for hay making and accumulating other forage, was main problem in less forage storage. Forage availability and shortage affect milk yield and lactation curve. The lactation curves were very sensitive in winter and autumn calving in 1-May Village Government and in winter and summer calving in Baltagulov Village Government by natural breeding. It suggests that households in both Village Governments are suffering more from 'low productivity' due to higher number of cows calved in winter. Thus, affect total milk yield in the district and national level as cattle are becoming less productive thereby decline in productivity. These problems need to be addressed to involve artificial insemination practices and trainings for improving winter forage quality and support in forage trading at local and national levels.
- 2012-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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