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本研究の目的は,R大学で担当したアダプテッド・スポーツ(体育演習)の授業から得られた受講生の意識変化が男女別,障がいのある人との関わり経験の有無,障がいのある人とのスポーツ経験の有無により差があるかを検証し,本学第二部における導入に向けた内容の知見を得ることである。アンケート調査の結果,障がい者スポーツ種目の実施および講義により,障がいのある人や障がい者スポーツに対する意識が「肯定的」あるいは「正しく」変化することが明らかとなった。性別,あるいは,障がいのある人との関わり経験の有無によりいくつかの項目に有意な差が認められた。これらの結果を踏まえ,それぞれの受講生の意識変化を生じさせるような条件の異なりに視点を当てた授業展開の必要性が確認された。The purpose of the present study is to clarify the effect of sex and relations experience with people with disabilities on university students’ attitude toward people with disabilities and adapted sports through “adapted sports class” at R University so that I may obtain findings for starting “adapted sports class” in evening course of Osaka Kyoiku University. The consciousness survey was executed to the 15th class which was a final. 28 students agreed to offer the questionnaire as material were objects. As a result, it will be necessary to examine the following for introducing adapted sports class at evening course of Osaka Kyoiku University in the future. ・ It is necessary to development of class that considers sex difference so that each affirmative feeling is extended further and it leads to the acquisition of correct knowledge. ・ It is necessary to consider the amount and the depth of information that is appropriate for student who has relations with children with disabilities in activity school and after school. ・ It is necessary to examine the content so that students who do not have relations with children with disabilities may change attitude and acquire correct knowledge.
- 2012-02-29
論文 | ランダム
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