Diagnostic Validity in Gastric Cancer Screening by Record Linkage with the Osaka Cancer Registry –On Film Reading of Radiographer and Radiologist–
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic validity of radiographer, first radiologist and second radiologist on gastric cancer screening, in terms of sensitivity, specificity and area under receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). The study subjects were 431,949 Osaka residents who underwent gastric cancer screening test at the Osaka Cancer Prevention and Detection Center (the Center) between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 2002. Film readings were carried out at first by 21 radiographers and then double-checked by 31 first radiologists and 9 second radiologists. The sensitivity, specificity and AUC were calculated separately on radiographers, first and second radiologists. Sensitivity, specificity and AUC values on radiographer were 62.5%, 94.1% and 0.79, while those on first radiologist were 78.3%, 94.2% and 0.87, and those on second radiologist were 85.9%, 92.2% and 0.91. Sensitivity and AUC of radiographers were significantly lower than those of radiologists (P < 0.05). Although this result seems to be affected by the first film reading of radiographers, it is considered that more training on film reading is necessary for radiographers.本研究の目的は,胃がん検診における放射線技師の読影診断精度を1次読影および2次読影に携わる放射線科医のそれと比較することである。具体的には,3者間で感度,特異度およびAUC(ROC曲線下の面積)を比較した。 対象者は平成8年1月1日から平成14年12月31日の間に大阪がん予防検診センターで胃がん検診を受診した431,949名であり,読影者は技師21名,1次読影医31名,2次読影医9名であった。技師の感度,特異度,AUCは62.5%,94.1%,0.79,1次読影医は78.3%,94.2%,0.87,2次読影医は85.9%,92.2%,0.91であった。技師の感度とAUCは読影医のそれらより有意に低かった。この結果は,読影順序の影響もあるとはいえ,技師の読影力向上の必要性を示していると考えられる。
- 2012-02-29
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