昆虫食への関心をPAC 分析で捉える
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We attempt to make clear the mentality of bug-eating by using a psychological interviewtechnique, PAC analysis. By encouraging the participants to produce a large number of associationsand by cutting down the number of pair-comparisons imposed on them, we altered someparts of the original method of PAC analysis. Fourteen men and women who are the membersof Konchu-Ryori Kenkyukai (Insect Cuisine Club, Japan) which is presided by S. Uchiyama, one ofthe authors, participated in the present research. They verbalized lots of valuable commentsconcerning bug-eating in the interview sessions of PAC analysis. We categorized them into threegroups; meaning of bug-eating and the club meeting for him/her, taking account of non-bugeaters’eyes, and the bug-eating as a worthy activity. Based on the participants’ comments andthe time needed to complete the 10 or 20 associations, we also discussed the methodologicalproblems of the altered PAC analysis.
- 2012-03-15
論文 | ランダム
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