中学生野球選手の経年的な可動域の変化 : 中学入学時と3年生時との比較
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原著(Original investigation)経年的な可動域の変化と障害の状況を知る目的で,野球肘検診を実施した.対象は軟式野球部1年生63名とし,肩・肘関節の疼痛の有無を質問し,可動域測定を行った.3年生時も52名を対象として検診を実施し,入学時と比較・検討した.結果,3年生時では肩・肘関節に疼痛を訴える選手が増加していた.肩関節外旋・内旋(2nd)および股関節内旋可動域は有意に減少したが,頚部回旋は有意に増加していた.The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of range of motion in junior high school baseball players. The subjects were 63 new junior high school baseball players belonging to school baseball team. Physical examinations were performed by physical therapists. In the third-year student, 52 players were checked as well. There were statistically less in the third-year student in average external and internal rotation with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction, internal rotation of the hip joint. Average neck rotation was statistically greater in the third-year student.
- 2012-03-01
論文 | ランダム
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