BVDV control and eradication in Europe —an update
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Infections with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) are endemic in cattle populationsworldwide and result in major economic losses. For long, attempts to control BVDV werelimited to prophylactic vaccination practices, implemented primarily to reduce or preventclinical disease on a herd basis. However, the benefit of preventing clinical disease intransiently infected animals is negligible when considering the overall losses of the disease.Another more systematic strategy to control evolved during the 1990s within eradicationprogrammes in the Scandinavian countries. This was based on an initial determination ofherd BVDV status, followed by implementation of systematic zoo-sanitary measures at aregional or national scale (without the use of vaccines) to prevent introduction of BVDV innon-infected herds, and to reduce the prevalence of infected herds by identification andelimination of PI animals. These programmes have been very successful, and all of theScandinavian countries are currently either free, or almost free from BVDV. Today controlprogrammes are underway in several European countries. This short review discusses thegeneral model of BVDV control, and gives an overview of strategies used within, and thecurrent status of, the ongoing control programmes in Europe.
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