The NP-2 cell system for analyses of the coreceptor usage of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses
- 論文の詳細を見る
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and type 2 (HIV-2) are the causative agents of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.Our interests have focused on HIV entry into target cells and HIV celltropism. The cell tropi sm of HIV and the det erm inants of a cell'ssusceptibility to HIV infection have been mainly explained by thecombination of HIV surface proteins, Env, and expression ofCD4 andcoreceptors on the target cells. The coreceptors are molecules belong-ing to the G prot ein-coupled 7-transm embrane receptors, esp eciallychemokine receptors. We propose that many researchers working inthis fi eld have noticed that our sy st em of using a human glioma cellline, NP-2, has be en quite use fu1 for the id entification of HIV corec e-ptors, for the det erm in ation of coreceptor usage in HIV strains and forthe isolation of primary HIV-1 strains, and for the titration of in-fectivity. The properties of the assay systems using NP-2 cells that wehave developed are summarized in this review through an introductionof some of our wotk.
- 2012-02-01
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