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This paper deals with the stu d i es on the reaction of four species of the genus Oryza, i. e. O. sativa, O. cubensis, O. latifolia and O. minuta, to the infection of Piricularia Oryzae. Inoculation experiments proved that O.sativa and O. cubensis, with 24-somatic chromosomes, are susceptible to the disease, whereas O. latifolia and O. minuta, with 48-somatic chromosomes, are highly resistant. In the leaves of every species, infection was esta b lished by direct penetration of the hypha from an appressorium through the wall of epidermis, and the motor cell was most easily infected by this method. In 0. sativa and O. cubensis the reaction of th e host cell was lower when invaded by infection hyphae, as indicated by the absence of any visible changes in epidermal or motor cells, and necrotic tissues were surrounded by wide venenate zones in which chloroplasts were discolored and destroyed. In O. minuta the reaction of the host cell to the invasion of pathogen seemed to be somewhat different from that of the above case, for it produced a few necrotic cells without wide venenate tissues. Frequently, severe necrosis of a few of the epidermal or motor cells had occurred before the penetration of the fungus was completed. In O. latifolia resinlike deposits were accumulated in the intercellular spaces of the diseased tissue. On the diseased lesions of O. latofolia no conidia were formed even under favorable condition. F1 plants of 0. sativa×O. minuta were as resistant as 0. minuta.1. 稻熱病菌 Piricularia Oryzae を Oryza sativa, O. cubensis, O. latifolia 及び O. minuta に接種し, 本病菌に對する夫等植物の反應を檢した。2. その結果によると, O. sativa と O. cubensis とは本菌に對して罹病性であり, その倍數の染色體を有する O. latifolia と O. minuta とは抵抗性である。3. 本菌は之等4種植物の何れに對しても葉の上皮組織を貫通して侵入するが, 機動細胞より侵入するものが最も多かつた。4. 病理解剖的所見の結果によれば, O. sativa と O. cubensis に於ては寄主細胞は菌の作用によつて廣い中毒部を生じた後壞死に至る。O. minuta では中毒部極めて少く, 壞死せる細胞群が健全組織中に孤立的に生ずることが多い。O. latifolia では病組織の細胞間隙に樹脂樣の填充物を生ずる。5. O. latifolia の病斑上には分生胞子が形成されなかつた。又, 被害部から本菌を分離出來なかつた場合が相當多かつた。6. 著者は, 之等4種の植物の本病菌に對する感受性の差は病原菌の作用に對する寄主細胞の原形質の反應の差に基づくものと解釋した。7. O. sativa × O. minuta のF1植物は O. minuta 同樣本病に對して抵抗性であつた。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1940-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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