Bacterium solanacearum SMITH のバクテリオファヂュ
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By successive filtration, .a bact e r iophage of high potency was isolated from a culture of Bacterium solanacearum in potato dextrose solution. The phage, judged from the number of plaques formed on agar plates, increased when added to the fresh bacterial culture, and after 15 filtrations inhibited the growth of the bacteria at dilution of 10^-10. In trials using six cultures of Bact. solanacearum, the phage affected only the culture of the organism from which it was isolated. Experimentally, tomato plants were protected from the bacterial wilt by adding the phage to the soil. In the present studies the author recognized t wo distinct strains of Bact. solanacearum: one of them formed round and homogeneous colonies on potato agar and did not liquefy gelatine ; whereas the other strain formed irregular, fluidal and non-homogeneous colonies and liquefied gelatine . The author demonstrated the presence of bacteriophages in the cultures of the latter. The occurrence of the homogeneous strain was observed in the old or phage-added cultures of the fluidal strain and also in the diseased lesion of tomato plants inoculated with the fluidal strain. From these experimental results the author pointed out that such fluidal strain as mentioned above may be a variation caused by the action of bacteriophage.不整形で内容平均質, fluidalな聚落を作る Bacterium solanacearum の馬鈴薯煎汁培養を濾過し, この濾液を本菌の培養に添加する操作を反復して, 本菌に作用する強力なバクテリオフアヂュを分離し得た。このフアヂュは細菌培養中で増加し, 15回濾過の濾液は百億倍に希釋してもなほ溶菌作用を呈した。6培養系統の本菌を用ひて試驗したところ, このフアヂュは之を分離するに用ひた系統にのみ作用した。このフアヂュを土壤に灌注すると, 實驗的には蕃茄青枯病の發生を輕減し得た。Bact. solanacearum には馬鈴薯寒天上に圓形・均輩な聚落を作りゼラチンを液化せぬ系統と不整形・平均質・fluidal な聚落を作りゼラチンを液化する系統とがあり, 後者はバクテリオフアヂュを有してゐた。又, 前者は後者の古い培養やフアヂュ添加の培養に出現し, 或は後者を接種した寄主植物體内でも出現した。そこで, 著者は Bact. solanacearum のこの變異にはバクテリオフアヂュが關係してゐるといふ考へに到達した。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1940-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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