日本産 Rhus 屬樹種の果實に於ける蝋分並に油脂状物質の發生經過と其の性状肌に就て
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Although we see many plants having a wax crust on the epidermis, there are few plants which have wax in the internal tissue. Observing the Rhus plants found in Japan, we see that Rh. succedanea, Rh. silvestris, Rh. vernicifera, Rh. trichocarpa and Rh. Toxicodendron, var. vulgaris contain wax in the mesocarp of their fruits, but, Rh. serialata, var. Osbeckii has it on the epicarp as wax crust. The wax cells f ound in the mesocarp of the fruit of Rh. succedanea are the largest of all, while those found in Rh. trichocarpa are the smallest. The greater part of the wax cells observed in Rh. trichocarpa are shaped irregularly, having several short arms, which interlace with those of the neighbouring cells forming a network. At first, many small wax grains usu a lly develop close to the cell membrane on its inner side, and they increase in accordance with the growth of the fruits, until a massive wax layer is formed= The wax cells in the mesocarp of the fruits of Rh. succedanea, Rh. silvestris and Rh. vernicifera accomplish a remarkable development before the ripening of the fruit: therefore, their surface is compact and glassy, but several pore-canals running from the center part of the wax layer toward the periphery are seen. On the contrary, the wax cells of Rh. trichocar a and Rh. Toxicodendron, var. vulgaris contain comparatively little wax, so we can not here find such a wax layer as is described above. The wax cells in the ripe n ed and dried fruit of each species are filled up with wax mass. Those observed in Rh. succedanea, Rh. silvestris and Rh. vernicifera, being especially well developed, show no pore-canal. The wax found in Rh. Toxicodendron, var. vulgaris only is very different from others in its physical character, being very vicid and coloured brown or black brown. Th e wax crust on the epicarp of Rh. seynialata, var. Osbeckii is formed by oozing the contents of trichomes. On the side of the fruit which does not receive much . sunlight, this wax crust shows .a higher development, and it sometimes measures I mm in thickness. The property of this wax is different chemically and physically from the wax found in the mesocarp of the other species (excepting Rh. semialata, var. Osbeckii) of the Rhus plants found in Japan. We see oil cells in the outer layer of mesocarp adjoining the epicarp before ripening of the fruit of Rh. semialata, var. Osbeckii. These cells contain much oil, and are larger than the other cells. All the Rhus plants found in Japan have oil substance in the seed, especially abundant in the embryo and albumen, and a little in the spermoderma.1) ハゼノキ, ヤマハゼノキ, ウルシノキ, ヤマウルシ及びツタウルシの中, 蝋細胞の大さはハゼノキが最も大, ヤマウルシが最も小なり, 且ヤマウルシにありては短伎を有するもの多く, 各々の短枝は隣接の蝋細胞の短枝と相對し, ために多くの細胞間隙を生ず。2) ハゼノキ・ヤマハゼノキ・ウルシノキ, ヤマウルシ及びツタウルシの蝋細胞内の蝋分の發生初期の状態は互によく類似し, 初め細胞膜壁に滑ひて多くの小なろ顆粒を生ず。次第にその數を増し蝋殼を形成するに至る。3) ハゼノキ, ヤマハゼノキ及びウルシノキにありては成熟前に蝋細胞内に蠣殼が發達しその斷面觀は平滑緊密なり。且孔線を有す。ツタウルシ及びヤマウルシにありては蝋分が少く從つて平滑緊密ならず, 又孔線の如きは殆どこれをみず。4) ハゼノキ, ヤマハゼノキ・ヤマウルシ及びツタウルシの成熟乾燥せる果實に於ける蝋分の中・ツタウルシのみが褐色若くば黒褐色を呈し著しく粘靱性あり。5) ハゼノキ・ヤマハゼノキ, ウルシノキ, ヤマウルシ及びツタウルシの成熟乾燥せる果實に於ける蝋細胞はすべて蝋分をもつて填充せられは殆どこれを認め得ず。何れの蝋分も結晶性物質よりなり偏光性を有す。6) ヌルデの果實は略々一定の大さに達する頃に於ては毛茸内の蝋分が著しくその量を増加し, 途に毛茸の外側に滲出し白色の蝋被を形成す。ここの蝋被は多くの水分を有し, 粘着性なくその性状はハゼノギ等の中果皮にある蝋分と異なる。7) ヌルデの成熟に近き果實の中果皮は外果皮近くの細胞のみが油脂細胞となり中果皮の他の細胞に比しで大なり。多くの油脂状物質を含む。8) 何れの樹種の種子に於ても油脂状物質を有す。子葉, 胚軸, 胚乳に多く, 種皮には少し。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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