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Phytophthorose of buckwheat causes wilt by attacking roots and stems near the surface of soil. It attacks slikhtly the seedlings of been and ripe fruits of tomato besides buckwheat. As its causal organism is hitherto undescribed, the name of Phytophthora Fagopyri is proposed for fungus. In the lesion of diseased plant are found a large number of oospores but not oonidia. The antheridia are usually found paragynous and declinous. In al tificial cultures conidia are pl oduced eventually on all media, while oospores are found on oat-meal agars.蕎麥には Phytophthora の寄生によりて起る病害あり, 被害部は根頭部より莖及根部に及び暗褐色又は黒褐色に變色枯死せしめ古き被害部は淡褐色に裾色す, 根は後に至り腐朽す。被害組織には菌絲及卵胞子を見るも分生胞子は寄主體上に發見されず。被害部より分離したる疫病菌は蕎麥以外の植物には寄盤力なく, 從來既知の疫病菌よりも異なるを以て新種と認めPhytophthora Fagophri n.sp.の學名を考定せり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1935-02-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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