西瓜の蔓割病(麥凋病)に關する病理學的研究。 : III. 被害苗の連續病理解剖
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The seedlings of watermelon, planted in infested soil were picked up on the first appearance of the wilt symptoms and fixed in formalin acetic alcohol. Each of them was then cut into several pieces, imbedded in paraffin. Thus the whole plant, from root to cotyledon, was dissected serially, stained in HEIDENIIAIN haematoxylin and eosin, or in safranin and gentian violet. Upon examination of these serial sections, the a u t hor attempt to draw some systematic diagrams of the affected plants, tracing the signs of the disease (Fig. I, 2, 3, 4). In these figures the longitudinal pararell linesA, B, C, etc? show the positions of the vascular bundles of each plant, the pocketlike swellings along the lines of vascular bundles show the degrees of the mycelial growth of the pathogen, and a few broken lines between the lines of vascular bundles (Fig. 2) show the presence of the mycelia outside of the bundles, mostly in the cortex parenchyma. The irregular maplike line extending to the whole figure presents the diseased area of the host tissue in which the parenchymatous elements are severely deformed. The dotted portion through out shows the necrotic area of the collenchyma tissue. Fig. 5 shows the my c elial growth along the vessels of F bundle in Fig. 1, and each figuresa, b, c, etcin Fig. 5 corresponds to each different height denoted by the signsa, b, c, etcin Fig. I. Also, in Fig. 6, each b', g', etc corresponds to the same signs without dash in Fig. 5. The relation between Fig. 3 and Fig. 8 is the same to that between Fig. i and Fig. 5. The seedling presented in Fig. i, slightly bent down at the first sign of the wilting, though in other three given by Fig. 2, 3, 4, the upper part of the stems strongly drooped at the portions presented by the dotted area in each sketch of these seedlings, drawn at the right side of each systematic figure. The seedling in Fig. 2 has been soft-rotted at the basal part of cotyledons. The mycelial. growth along each vascular bundle is curiously irregular, and several isolated colonies are formed (Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4).1) 著者は西瓜蔓割病に罹れる西瓜苗が初發麥凋を起した際に於ける病原菌の石動を明かにする目的を以て罹病西瓜苗の連續病理解剖を行つた。2) 供試苗が發病するや否や直ちにその個體全部を固定し, これを根端より子葉の先端に至るまで順次ミクロトーム切片となし, 各切片を順に整理し以て體内に於ける病原菌の消長, 寄主組織の病變を觀察し, これによつて數個の系統圖を作製した。3) 之等の系統圖によつて見るに, 根端より進める病原菌は(1)意外に上方部にまで蔓延してゐるが, (2)どの部に於ても水分の通導を阻碍し得る程極端に繁殖してゐる處はない。(3)各維管束に於ける菌絲の繁殖度は極めて不整であつて, 相互に連絡を缺くものが多い。即ち島嶼状發育をしてゐるのである。4) 寄主組織内に於て島嶼状に發育せる菌叢は, 下方部に發育せる菌の microconidia が上騰流によつて轉流した結果であると見られる。5) 維管東内外の菌絲の蔓延繁殖の甚しき部分と, その周在の皮部柔組織の膨壓の減退(内部麥凋)及び厚角組織附近の壞死とは相關聯せるものと見られる。6) かくの如く, 各導管羣附近に於ける畧同一高位に於て菌絲の繁殖が畧一整に行はるるに於ては, 其の周在の組織の崩壞も一局處に止まらず, 相互相關聯して行はるる結果となり, かくてついに寄主植物はその部より腰折れ(幼植物の麥凋現象たる)の現象を示すに至るのである。
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