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There is a method, known as Prof. KOKETSU's "Pulvermethode," which is recognized as a rational way to determine and compare the content of matter or the degree of physiolosical functions in plants or organisms. When, however, the material to be pulverized was extremely fibrous or pubescent, investigators have heretofore encountered difficulty in adopting the above mentioned method. This paper proposes a way of overcoming this difficulty, namely, by the application of liquid air (or O2). The dried material to be used, which can, if necessary, be fresh, is placed in a mortar. Liquid air is poured in; and the material, thereby thoroughly frozen and thus made brittle, is then readily ground with a pestle as usual. In order to test the efficiency of this method of milling with liquid air, as compared with the ordinary way of milling without liquid air, a study has been made, of which the principale results are as follows: 1) The time required to grind any given material was much less. How much less, depends on the nature of the material used. The time required was from 6% to 72%, and on the average was about 40% of the time used in milling by the ordinary method. 2) The loss of material was much less, in the case of pulverizing fibrous or pubescent material, which by the other method is a lengthy process. In pulverizing ordinary materials, there was no particular difference seen in this respect. 3) The specific powder gravity of any given material was about the same as that prepared by the other method. In short, from each of the results obtained, it was clearly shown that the method of milling with liquid air gives good results. Therefore, by using it as a supplementary method when pulverizing fibrous or pubescent material, the difficulty in question is overcome.本研究は植物體組織を粉末となす一手段として液體空氣添加製粉を提案し, 無添加製粉との間にその能率, 製粉中の粉末損失率, 粉末比重等につき比較研究し, 次の結果を得た。1) 液體空氣添加製粉せる場合の製粉總所要時間は無添加のそれに比し著しき短小で材料の種類により, その値を異にするも松の葉, ソバの莖葉其他六種の植物の平均では無添加の場合を 1 とすれば 0.52, 約半分に短縮し得たのであり, ススキ, シマガヤ, ヨモギ等の纖維多く製粉殆んど不可能と見られて來た材料に於ては無添加 1 に對して 0.16 の好率を示した。2) 製粉中の粉末の損失傘は比較的困難ならざる材料では兩製粉法の差異を認め得ないが, ススキ, シマガヤ, ヨモギ等では液體空氣添加製粉せる場合には無添加の場合に比し著しく低く, 損失防止の意味よりするも液體空氣添加は有利である。3) 兩製粉法別に同一材料に就て求めた粉末比重は極めて近似値を示し, 實際上製粉法の相異による粉末比重の相異は認められなかった。4) 製粉の難易に著しき差ある種々の材料の葉の含水量比較に當り, 製粉困難なる材料のみにつき組織粉末製遣に液體空氣を利用し, 結局兩法を混じた結果は全部無添加製粉により得た結果と全く一致を示した。即ち添加製粉したものは無添加製粉したものと全然同一に取扱ひ得て, 相互に代用し得るものであることが明かである。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1933-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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