- 論文の詳細を見る
The present experiments were undertaken to investigate the effects of the distribution of the nutrient salts in different layers of soil upon the growth of wheat. Containers of galvanized iron sheeting, 25 cm. in diameter and 1 m. in depth were filled with soil. The soil columns in the containers were divided with sheets of paraffin wax into four layers, each 20, 20, 30 and 30 cm. thick in that order from the top. The top surface of the soil column was also covered with a paraffin sheet to prevent the evaporation. Each layer was auto-irrigated after LIVINGSTON'S method under a hydrostatic pull of 50 cm. water column, except the third and the fourth layers of the plat B and D for which a pull of 30 cm. water column was applied (cf. next table). Fertilizers were applied at the following rates. (snip) With the exception of plat G, the fertilizers were applied by mixing with the soil of each layer before packing. In plat G, 1/2 of the nitrogen was put on in two applications on Feb. 13th. and March 14th. Two plants were set up for each container, and three containers for each condition.土壤の各層に於ける養分が小麥の成育に及ぼす影響に就て知らんが爲, 直徑 25 cm. 深さ 1 m. の圓筒に土壤を填充し, 之を薄きパラフイン層にて上より 20, 20, 30及び30cm. の四層に區分して, 各層に LIVINGSTON 式自働灌水裝置を施し, 以て各層の水濕状態を同一にし, 施肥量のみを種々にして, 之に小麥を栽培し, 其の成育と各層からの吸水の模樣とに就て觀察した。尚一部深展の水濕を特に多くして其影響に就ても實驗した。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1933-09-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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