- 論文の詳細を見る
From the point of view that studies on the roots of crop plants should be made in relation to soil conditions, the authors have made several experiments, one of which is presented here. In this experiment the effects of the distribution of nutrient salts among different layers of the soil on the growth of upland rice plants were studied, when conditions of air and water supply were maintained uniformly good in all layers of all plats. Containers of galvanized iron sheeting, 25 cm. in diameter and 1 m. in depth, were filled with soil. The soil columns in the containers were divided into four layers, 20, 20, 30 and 30 cm. thick from the surface to the bottom, inserting thin sheets of paraffin wax, which allowed the passage of roots but not of water and salt solution. The surface of the soil was also sealed with paraffin wax to check the evaporation from the soil surface. Each layer was auto-irrigated after the LIVINGSTON method under a suitable hydrostatic pull. Thus the moisture content in each layer was maintained in a moderate degree and practically constant, and the amount of water transpired and absorbed from each layer by the plant could be determined by the loss in the water reservoir of the irrigator. Fertilizers were applied at the following rates, mixing with the soil of each layer before filling: (snip) Placing the containers in a glasshouse, an upland rice plant was grown in each.直徑 25 cm., 深さ 1 m. の亞鉛引鐵板製の圓筒に土壤を填充し, 之をパラフインの薄き層にて四層に區分し, 各層には二個の LIVINGSTON 式自働灌水器を裝置することによりて土壤の水分量を一定に保つと共に, 植物が各層より吸收する水分量, 從て蒸散量を測定し得る樣にした。土壤の各層間の肥料の分布状態を種々にして, 之に陸稻を栽培し, 斯る土壤状態に對して根が如何に發達し又作用し, 之によりて地上部の成育が如何に影響せらるゝやに就て觀察した。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1933-09-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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