重力式架空索道の垂曲線理論に據る研究 : 第二報 曳索曲線と其の索線張力に就て
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The use of the tractor cables may be divided into two general types. In the first type, the tractor cable is an endless one, and in the second type, the length of the tractor cable is such that when one carriage is at the loading terminal the other is at the unloading one. In this second report, the formulae determing the form and tension of the arc of the tractor cable have been derived. These formulae have some unknown quantities, therefore the author has presented the results of a series of analytical and graphical investigations carried out on the conditional equations, which are necessary to determine these unknowns, for each type of the use of the tractor cables.重力式架空索道の曳索は, 盈搬器に對しては主として制動の作用を爲し, 空搬器に對しては之を曳上ぐる働を爲す。而して曳索を使用する樣式には循環式と往復式の二種ありて, 前者にては上方曳索と下方曳索とを使用して搬器を環状に進行せしめ, 後者にては多くは上方曳索のみを使用して搬器を釣瓶状に往復せしむ。第二報にては曳索曲線の方程式を求め, 之が内容を限定すべき條件式を各樣式に對して誘導し, 曳索曲線圖と力多角形圖を求め, 荷重點に及ぼす曳索の影響と, 曳索の索線張力の解法に就て述ぶべし。第二報に於ても第一報と同樣の假定と條件を設くれども, 只第一報と異るは假定(6)を廢して制動力の正しき作用方向を求めしにあり。
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