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Introductory Note. It seems impossible to describe directly all of the artificial and natural landscape planting types by some simplified symbolical letters. But, requirement of such formulae, if possible, among many landscape experts in our field is very essential. They believe it will be convenient if such expression of construction form in planting space and in tree height of the given types as well as the identification of tree species will be completed. The author is trying to satisfy such requirement and propose here a new conception from such standpoint. It is named as "Diagramatical Landscape Planting Type (D. L. P. T.)" and will be never suggested in our group. By such formulae definite geometrical pattern and its repetitional form are assumed, whose necessary and sufficient condition is to hold simplication of such types, especially of horizontal and vertical relation among the individual trees composing the given mother type as well as the identification of the tree species. (Proportion of number of the diagramatical types to the same of its mather types is ∞ : ∞^∞.) Now it become possible to solve to express such a given diagramatical types by some simple definite mathematical formulae (course I) whose method being the essential subject of this paper. Moreover, it will be theoletically possible to extract the most suitable diagramatical type, whose proper mathematicaI formulae may be found, from any given mother types, the necessary character of the later projected on the former as severally as possible (course II); while its practical technique must depend on field workers geneous or on a few authorities, and such must be the natural consequence of the subject itself, as to the authors belief.あり得る樹木群落の外觀は云ふ迄もなく無數で複雜多樣であつて, 之を其儘直接に一定の簡單な記載に直寫しようとする企ては元來理論上常然不可能に近い困難な事であらう。然るに, 該の外觀上の複雜性に就ては, 樹木個體の一切の外形上の複雜性, 即ち例へば樹木の枝振りや樹冠や根張り等の變化色澤等が, 其最大なる因子となつて居る事を何人も認め得よう。然し茲に, 相等廣大なる地積の造園植栽の紙上の設計等に於ては, 仕事の重點は, 其等樹木個體の外形上の局部的變位性よりも, 寧ろ (1) 樹木全體としての大さの數量及樹水相互の植栽位置並に高さ等に, 即ち換言すれば, 植栽型の外部構造に於ける單位樹木の水平的及垂直的の相互關係に, 及び (2) 樹種の大體の差別等に, 一層多く依存する場合が少くない事を何人も亦容易に首叩し得よう。況んや, 一定の地積に亘る自然生林に於ける如上の事柄が學問上最も重要なる一記載要點となる事は更に確かな事實である。今, 著者の試みは, 此等の事實に基いて, 茲に, "模式(造園)植栽型" Diagramatical (Landscape) Planting Type, (略して "模式型" , 以下同斷)といふ一新概念を提出致し, 其の特性を下記の如く一定に約束し; 扨此概念を媒介ととして主題の解決を或程度迄可能となさんとするのである。
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