- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Soybean plants were grown in soil mixtures of clay and sand in different proportions filled in porcelain containers, each being auto-irrigated under different hydrostatic pull after LIVINGSTON's method. The growth and the water requirement of the plants were compared to one another, relating them to the watersupplying power of the soil determined by LIVINGSTON's "soil point." 2. No matter the properties of the soils, the growth conditions of the plants expressed by the growth rate, the fresh and dry weight and the leaf area were found to be agranged in the same order as the water-supplying powers of the soil. 3. A pretty conspicuous relation was observed between the weight of I c.c. of powdered tissue of the plant (determined after KOKETSU's "Pulvermethode") and the water-supplying power of the soil, but it was found to be different according to the age of the plant. When the plants were about a month old, the greater the water-supplying power, the higher was the apparent specific gravity of the powdered tissue. When the plants grew older, however, the relation became quite reversal. 4. The higher the water-supplying power, the greater was the total transpiration loss. As to the relation between the water requirement of the plant and the water-supplying power of the soil, however, parallel facts were found to those described in the preceding paragraph; that is, when the plants were young, the higher water-supplying power, the more water they transpired to produce one gram of dry matter, but, when they grew older, the relation became quite reversal. 5. The facts described in the paragraphs (3) and (4) appear to suggest that the relation between the physiological condition of the plant and the watersupplying power of the soil may be different according to the age of the plant. The authors, howver, do not dare to try to make any discussion on this point only from the data here obtained.1. 砂上と埴土とを種々の割合に混合した土壤を陶製のポツトに填め, LIVINGSTON 氏の自働灌水裝置により種々の靜水壓の下に灌水して, 之に大豆を栽培し, 土壤の給水能と植物の成育竝に其要水量 (Water requirement) との關係に就き觀察した。但給水能は LIVINGSTON 氏の "Soil point" を用ひて測り, 要水量は土面を對じて測た灌水器への給水量を植物の蒸散量とし, 之を或る期間の乾物増量で除したものである。2. 植物の成育の良否は各種の土壤を通じての給水能の大小と其順位を同じくした。即ち給水能の大なるに從て成育は促進され, 新鮮量, 乾物量及び葉面積は何れも大であつた。3. 組織の「粉末比重」と給水能との關係は顯著なものがあつたが, 其關係は約三週間を隔てゝ採收した二回の測定に於て正反對の結果を示した。即ち先に採集したものでは給水能の大なる程「粉末比重」は小なりしに對し, 後に採收したものでは給水能の大なるに從ひ「粉末」比重も亦大であつた。4. 總蒸散量は植物の大小, 從て給水能の大小と平行したが, 之を時間の乾物の増量で除した所謂「要水量」と給水能との關係は試料採收の早晩で其趣を異にした。即ち先に採集したものに於ては給水能の大なるほど「要水量」も大きい傾があつたのに對し, 採收の第一囘と第二囘ごの間に於ける蒸散量を其間の乾物の増量で除したものは給水能の大なるに從ひ却て小となる傾向を示した。5. (3)及び(4)の事實から, 給水能と植物の生理作用との關係が成育期の如何により異なるのではないかと言ふことが想像されるが, 之に關する考察をなす迄深入すろこごは今後の研究に讓ることにした。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1930-10-00
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