箆麻の葉枯病と其病原菌 (Macrosporium Ricini n. sp.) に就て
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1 The present paper deals with a leaf spot or blight disease of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.). 2 This disease is characterized by an irreguler cinnamon buff spot 10 to 20 mm. in diameter, variegated with irregular towny olive zones, often surrounded by an etiolated halo. 3 The brief description of the causal fungus Macrosborium Ricini n. sp. is given below. Conidiophores arising singly or in fasciculated from the diseased parts, simple or branched, stout, light brown to olivaceous, measuring 30 to 60 it in length by 5.5 to 7.0 μ in diameter, 1 to 4 celled, each bearing single conidium at the tip. Conidia, light greenish brown to dark olivaceous, fusiformed to obclavated with many transversal and longitudinal septa, measuring 42 to 78 μ in length by 8.7 to 19.5 μ in diameter, scarcely constricted at the septa; beaks hyaline, slender, 30 to 100 μ by 1.2 to 1.8 μ in size. Occurring on the leaves of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.), collected at Suigen, Chosen, August 1926, September, 1927, at Hakozaki, Fukuoka, July 16, 1928 (type), September, 1928. 4 The parasitic nature of the fungus has been ascertained by successful inoculations on the leaves of castor oil plants.1. 箆麻の葉を侵す病害として今日までに報告せられたもの以外に甚だしく葉燒けを起す病害がある。筆者はこの病害を箆麻の葉枯病と構した。2. 本病害は葉に生ずる他の斑點性の病害と異り, 極めて不正形, 灰褐色の大きな病斑を作るものである。3. 本病害は Macrosporium 菌によつて起るもので筆者はこの病原菌の形態, 培養上の性質を調査し又接種試驗によつてその病原性を確かめた。4. この病原菌は未だ報告せられた事のない新らしい菌類で, 筆者はこれを Macrosporium Ricini と名づけた。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1929-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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