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The methods of determining nicotine such as Toth's, Kissling's, Chapin's, and Fodor-Reifenberg's methods were compared with Okuda's new method (The Journal of Biochemistry 8, 361, 1928). The preceeding three are the methods of determining nicotine alone, but the last two are the methods of determing both nicotine and ammonia. The principle of Okuda's m ethod is to. distil nicotine and ammonia by means of steam and magnesia usta into a receiver containing a certain quantity of acid, and to determine the sum of them by titration with a standard alkali, and to determine the amount of ammonia by the formol titration, in the separate portions of the distillate. The quantity of nicotine and ammonia are given by simple calculation. From the results of the determ ination we see that the methods of Kissling, Chapin, and Okuda are similar in accuracy. Toth's method is apt to give slightly high results, and Fodor-Reifenberg's method gives lower nicotine and higher ammonia values. The advantages of Okuda's method are that it requires shorter time, for determination, than Kissling's and Chapin's methods, and by this method nicotine and ammonia are determined simultaneously in any given sample.1) 煙草中ニコチンを定量する諸法を比較するに KISSLING, CHAPIN, (硅タングステン酸法)及奧田の三方法はよく一致したる結果を與ふ。2) ニコチンと共はアンモニアを定量する FODOR-REIFENBERG 法と奧田法を比するに前者は過大なるニコチン價過小なるアンモニア價を與へ易し。
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