菌核菌一名白絹病菌 (Sclerotium Rolfsii SACC.) に就て : 第六報 : 菌核菌の突然變異の二例
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1. In March, 1925, the writer obtained a new form (M1) of Sclerotium Rolfsii in the culture of origin 44. Its mycelia are fine and slender measuring 5.Oμ in width and take on brown color with cottony ruster. Its sclerotia are extremely irregular and large with rough surface. Colored outer part of the sclerotia consists of three or four layers measuring 33μ in thickness. It shows one-sided aversion to original and mutual aversion to other strains of the fungus. Loss of pathogenicity, production of spores in cultural media and formation of blister-like sclerotia in early stage of their development are the most characteristics of the fungus (M1). 2. In July, 1925, the writer also obtained a new form (M2) of the fungus in the culture of origin 6. It is the same in all respects as original, with exception of the phenomenon of mutual aversion, which occurs between them. 3. M 1 and M2 bred true during repeated subsequent transfers. They have been grown on different kinds of media and under differerent conditions without losing their constant characters, especially for cultural, morphological and averting characters. Every part of mycelia taken as an inoculum shows the same characters on its subculture. 4. Mutant in fungi is supposed merely as phenotypes and interpreted to be due to segregation or hybridization. So 'saltant' or 'transmutant' is applied to fungi distinguishing from 'mutant'. Considering Sclerotium Rolfsii the mycelia fuse together and a binucleated cell is formed. In the case the fusion takes place only between the same strains of the fungus; if the strains are different they avert mutually leaving non-growth-region of the mycelia. Therefore nuclei in the binucleated cells are originated from the same strains and they should be the same in nature. So new forms M1 and M2, different from originals are asserted to be true mutants caused by genotypic change, not by segregation or hybridization. 5. The mutants M1 and M, are of importance in proving the possibility of being so many strains in the fungus, in asserting the perfect form of the fungus to be Hypochnus and in offering an example of true mutant in fungi comparable to bud variation in higher plants.1. 著者は曩に菌核菌一名白絹病菌を嫌觸現象によりて區別し少くとも35種の Strain が現實することを示せり。就中以上の strain 中 14 strain が福岡地方に存在することは最も注意すべきことなりとす。かく同一種の菌に多數の strain が存在し而も同一地方に多數存することは已に其の例なきにあらず。然れども本菌にありては嫌觸現象による特種の分化法をとれるを以て或は其の分化法が不合理なりしによるを保せす。然るに本菌を培養中偶 mutant の二例を得たるを以て著者は少くとも本菌に多數の strain 存在するを肯定するを得たり。2. mutant1 (M1) は菌44號の菌絲の一端より突發せしものにして Original1 (O1) に比し菌絲は纖細にして幅 5.Oμ, 褐色にして綿絲光澤を有し, 菌咳は著しく不正形にして大に, 表面は黑褐或は濃褐色にして粗に, 有色組織は3乃至4層より成り其の厚さ33μに及ぶ。M1の著しき特徴は培養基上にて容易に胞子を作ること, 殆んど寄生性を缺ぐこと及び培養基に於ける初期の菌咳が腫物状をなすことなりとす。其の他反應に對する耐度及酸の成生量は何れもO1に劣り尚O1に對しては半嫌觸現象, 其の他の strain に對しては半嫌觸現象或は兩嫌觸現象を示す。3. mutant2 (M2) は菌6號の菌絲の一端より突發し其の性質は Original2 (02) に對して嫌賜現象を呈する外は殆んどO2と異ることなし。4. 此等M1及M2の兩者は第五代次に及びて培養し培養的, 形態的性質竝に嫌觸現象につきて槍せしに常に同一の性質を示す。尚M1及M2の菌絲の各部につき同樣に檢するも凡て同一の性質を保てり。此の性質は培養基を通過するによりて變ずることなし。即ちM1及M2は固定せる菌なりと認むることを得。5. 從來菌類の mutant は Segregation 及 Hybridization によるものとせらる。今本菌を見るに其の菌絲は多核細胞より成り容易に接合 (anastomosis) をなす。而して接合は嫌觸現象の理により同一 strain 間にのみ起るが故に雜交することなく, 從ひて菌絲内の多核は何れも同一種と認むることを得。尚菌類個體の性質は核の種類に關し其の數にはよらざるものとせらる。然らば segregation によりて本菌より出來たる菌は凡て母菌と同一ならざるべかからず。故にM1及M2の如き母菌と全く異る特種の形質を有する菌を生する理なし。又本菌は嫌觸作用上 hybridization をなすこと能はす。依て本菌に生じたるM1及M2は高等植物に見るが如き genotypic change よりなる mutant にして Bud variation に比すべきものと見らる。
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