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1) In the experiment with rice plants by the method of sand-culture, the addition of colloidal silica increased the efficiency of tricalcium phosphate markedly and that of acid phosphate slightly. 2) The increase of the phosphoric acid-content in the plants depended upon the quantity of colloidal silica supplied. 3) The contents of crude ash and silica in the straws and in the mixtures of husks and chaff increased with the increase in the supply of colloidal silica. 4) In the unhulled rice, the content of phosphoric acid, and its percentage for the total phosphoric acid in the plants, increased with the increase in the supply of colloidal silica. From the results obtained, it seems that silica has the function of facilitating the transportation of phosphoric acid in the plant body. 5) The greate r the supply of colloidal silica, the greater was the increase of silica observed in the plants. 6) There was no difference b etween colloidal silica and so called precipitated silica in their beneficial action upon the efficiency of phosphates. 7) The effect of colloidal silica on the decomposition o f tricalcium phosphate, with or without nutrient salts, was found to be negative in the laboratory experiment.1. 稻を用ひて砂耕をなしたる時に膠質珪酸の添加は燐酸三石灰の肥效を著しく大ならしめ燐酸一石灰の肥效を僅かに大ならしむ。2. 實驗の範圍内に於ては添加せる珪酸量の増加するに從ひ植物體の全燐酸に増加を來し燐酸鹽の有效性は珪酸量多きに從ひ増加する事明なり。3. 藁稈籾殼及び粃混合物にありては珪酸添加量の増加するに從ひて灰分の割合を増加し且粗灰分中の珪酸の量をも増加せり。4. 玄米中の燐酸量は珪酸添加量多きに從ひて増加し又植物體の全燐酸量に對する玄米中の燐酸量の割合は珪酸添加量の増加と共に増加す。從て珪酸は水稻體内に於て燐酸の玄米への移送を助くる物と認め得べし。5. 珪酸添加量多きに從ひ植物はより多量に珪酸を吸收し集積せり。6. 膠質珪酸と沈澱珪酸とは燐酸に對する有數作用の強弱に於て何等差異を認めず。7. 膠質珪酸の燐酸三石灰の分解に關する Flask 内での實驗は珪酸添加量多きに從ひ燐酸三石灰の溶解度を減少する結果を得たり。
論文 | ランダム
- フィジオームと心電学
- ポストゲノム時代の機能薬理学についての一考察
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- ポストゲノム時代の薬理学研究