菌核菌一名白絹病菌 (SCLEROTIUM ROLFSII SACC.) に就いて : 第二報 : 嫌觸現象の形態的觀察並に其の原因
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1. The phenomenon of aversion and its relationships to the strains of S. Rolfsii were mentioned previously. In this paper the possible cause of aversion and morphological features of the fungus, which take place when aversion occurs are presented. When two inocula taken from different strains of the fungus are inoculated side by sied on the same plate, each inoculum grows at first nearly at the same rate, then gradually slower and finally the growth stops leaving a narrow region free from hyphae. Thus the phenomenon of aversion is established. In this case sclerotia are formed abundantly along the region. 3. The aerial mycelia at averted region become much fine and slender and curl backward. They are characterized by branching in obtuse angle. The mycelia submerged in media show plasmolysis and then disintegration at averted region. 4. The phenomenon of aversion is not due to a substance made from media by the action of the fungus but the snbstance which is secreted by the mycelia irrespective of media. It is not dissolved in media but diffuses slowly through them, so that the mycelia submerged are affected at the time when they meet together. The amount of the substance appears to depend upon the growth of the mycelia.Sclerotium Rolfsii の相異る二種の Strain を對待培養するときには, 兩者の菌絲は各相成艮し相接近すると共に次第に成長鈍り, 終には一定の距雛を隔てゝ相對待す, 即ち嫌觸現象を呈す。此の場合に嫌觸線に沿えて多くの菌核を作る。又榮養菌絲は其の尖端より Plasmolysis を起して收縮し, 終に消失し, 氣走菌絲は纖柔になりて後方に捲曲す。且兩種の菌絲は共に直角或は鈍角に分枝するに至る。荷榮養菌絲は終に appresoria 形成の力を失ふ。此の嫌鱗現象は菌絲の尖端より直接に發生する一種の氣體によりて生するものにして, 其の物質は培養基中に溶解することなく, 又極めて滲透性弱きものなり。荷此の物質の多少は菌絲の繁殖の度に關するものゝ如し。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1925-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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