ネガティブな反すう傾向と怒りの関連 : 怒りの認知,感情,行動に関する検討
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between thenegative rumination trait (NRT) and anger expression as well as examiningan influence of the NRT on cognitive and emotional aspects of anger in angerprovoking situation. In the experiment, the 18 participants were maleundergraduate students. The NRT scale was used to assess the NRT. Theparticipants were divided into two groups (high NRT, low NRT) based oneach participants’ score of the NRT scale. An anger provoking situationwhich was a recorded conversation was presented to the participants. Then,state anger levels and automatic thoughts were measured during angerprovoking situations.Results of this study showed that no difference of anger expression andstate anger reduced significantly during rumination regardless of high or lowNRT. Moreover, automatic thoughts in the anger provoking situations wereanalyzed using text mining. Result of text mining indicated that the lowNRT group judged the situation in an objective perspective. In contrast, thehigh NRT group set up automatic thoughts about induced-anger andjudgments on their situations. From these results, while there was nodifference in the duration of state anger, it was suggested that participantshad potential to ruminate in cognitive aspects.
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