〈研究ノート〉Jane Eyre's Rival: The Real Mrs Rochester試論--Bertha Masonのもうひとつの物語
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著者専攻: 英文学[Abstract] In Wide Sargasso Sea, which is a type of prequel to Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Jean Rhys gave Bertha Mason a chance to talk about herself, what happened to her before coming to England, especially why her mother went mad. On the other hand, in Clair Holland's Jane Eyre's Rival: The Real Mrs Rochester, Lisa, who is a psychologist and Bertha's descendant, tells us not only what happened to Bertha before leaving the West Indies but also what really happened to her in England, which nobody in Thornfield knew except Bertha and her lover John. In Jane Eyre, Bertha was unhappy after getting married, while in Jane Eyre's Rival the author gives Bertha a chance to meet and get married to her ideal man after her unsuccessful marriage to Edward Rochester. Jane Eyre's Rival has an intriguing structure. In the even numbered chapters, we read about the love story of Bertha Mason, and in the odd numbered chapters we find Lisa's psychological explorations of love and relationships. These two stories about Bertha and Lisa are linked; each chapter is closely connected with the surrounding chapters. The general impression of the book suggests psychology more than literature, but its unfolding of the interesting hidden story of Bertha Mason provides good entertainment.
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