麹黴の利用に関する研究 (1) 紅麹の菌株Monascus について
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香港製紅〓 (アンカー)から分離したM.N0.5の培養試験を行なった。試験結果を要約すればつぎの通りである。(1) 麹汁、同寒天、パン、馬鈴薯、甘藷、蒸米、牛乳等の培養基にはよく繁殖し色素の生産も良好であった。(2) 各穣培養基上の繁殖適温は30°~35℃ であった。(3) Monascus菌は一般に酸性肉汁では繁殖悪るく色素の生産も不良であると云われているが、M.N0.5は肉汁および同寒天培養基(pH 5.4)でも良く繁殖し色素の生産も良好であった。(4) 皴培養基では繁殖悪るく色素の生産も不良であった。(5) M.N0.5は各種天然培養基上での繁殖状態が東洋産Monascus pilosusによく似ているが、酸性肉汁および同寒天培養基にも良く繁殖し色素の生産も良好である点では該菌と著るしく異っている。The auther has isolated Monascus No.5 from "Ang-Quac” made in Hongkong. In this paper, the growth condition and pigment production of this Monascus No.5 in some of natural media are reported. The results obtained are as follows. (1) Monascus No.5 propagated well in Koji-decoction and its agar medium, bread, potato, sweet potato, boiled rice and milk medium, and showed good production of pigment. (2) Optimum temperature for propagation of the Monascus No.5 was30°~35℃, in Some of the natural media. (3) It is said that Monascus sp. did not propatate in the acidic bouillon media, but Monascus No.5 propagated well in them with pH5.4. (4) It did not propagate in the bran medium. (5) Monascus No.5 has close resemblance to Monascus pilosus on growth condition in some of the natural media, but showed very different results between them in the acidic bouillon media.
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