“共同注意"の発達的変化その3 ― 言語獲得期の相互作用に関する質的検討 ―
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言語獲得期の子どもと母親の共同注意は、子どもの象徴機能、言語発達、社会的認知、自己概念などの多くの側面の発達に貢献している。本稿では、一乳児の観察事例を対象に、言語的コミュニケーションの発達と共同注意場面である母子相互作用について、エピソード記述の手法を用いて検証した。その結果、母親は乳児の活動に呼応しながら、例示行動・注意喚起行動・言語化・精緻化提供などの共同注意的関わりを示し、乳児の人の意図理解やコミュニケーション行動の質的変化を支持・促進していることが示唆された。また乳児の語彙使用に際して、母親は叙述的応答、意味付ける応答、誘導的質問、叙述などの発話がみられ、これは共同注意の発達における「足場づくり」の例と考えられる。Joint attention of children and mothers in the language acquisition period contributes to numerous facets, such as the child's symbolic function, language development, social cognition, and self-concept. This paper investigated mother and child interactions, which serve as a setting for both the development of linguistic communication and joint attention, through episodic description techniques with a focus on examples of observations of a single child. As a result, while acting in concert with the child's activities the mother demonstrated joint attention-like involvement such as exemplification behavior, reminding behavior, verbalization, and providing elaboration. It was implied that she supported and promoted qualitative changes to the child's understanding of people's intentions and their communication behavior. Moreover, when the child used vocabulary the mother was observed making utterances like descriptive responses, responses that impart meaning, facilitating questions, and descriptions. These are considered to be examples of "scaffolding" for the development of joint attention.
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