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2010年春,西日本の19府県でタンポポ調査・西日本2010 が行われ,鳥取県米子市湊山球場の外野席盛土に,二倍体在来種や外来種と在来種との雑種と推定される種などの複数種のタンポポ混生が見つかった。背の低い草地となっている盛土内で計270個体のタンポポ位置を記録し,上記タンポポ調査に従って種を同定した。28個体はシロバナタンポポと同定された。他は全て黄花で,総苞外片の状態をもとに反りかえり段階1-5に区分した。反りかえり段階1は152個体あり,ほとんどの個体の総苞外片/内片比は2 / 3 以上に達していた。角状突起の長さは平均2.7 mm あり,これらを鳥取県内ではこれまで記録のないトウカイタンポポTaraxacum longeappendiculatum あるいはその類似種と考えた。総苞外片の反りかえり段階3-5個体の花粉は,大きさがふぞろいか,あるいは花粉が見られず,外来種あるいは外来種と在来種との雑種と考えた。これらは盛土の下部や道ばたに多く見つかった。トウカイタンポポと考えた在来種は盛土の中段から上段に集まっていた。盛土下部のほうがかく乱されやすく,そのような環境の違いがこのようなタンポポ分布の偏りに影響している可能性がある。During the“Dandelions Survey 2010 in West Japan”, mixed Taraxacum population including some native diploid species and hybrids of alien and native species were found at Minatoyama baseball ground, Yonago city, Tottori Prefecture. A total of 270 Taraxacum individuals were recorded on the outside slopes of the bleachers of the Minatoyama baseball ground. A total of 152 individuals in it had potentially common morphological characters, the involucral bract ratio was higher than two thirds and the average size of corniculate appendage on outer bract was 2.7 mm. Based on these characters, the species were identified as native diploid Taraxacum longeappendiculatum or its closely related species. This is the first observation record in San'in district. Twenty eight individuals were identified as native polyploidy T. albidum. The individuals whose involucral bracts rolled back as level 3-5 had highly variable sized pollen or no pollen, and these were considered as alien species or hybrid of alien and native species. The hybrid or alien species were mainly distributed to lower position, whereas the native diploid species were distributed to upper position in the slopes. It is possible to consider that lower position of the slope may be frequently disturbed, and that is suitable to grow up for alien species.
- 2011-12-10
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