チモフェ-ビ小麦(Triticum timopheevi)染色体の同定-1-C-バンド法による一粒系小麦とチモフェ-ビ小麦の核型比較〔英文〕
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Somatic chromosomes of Triticum turgidum (2n=28,AABB) and T.timopheevi (2n=28,AAGG) were studied by C-banding. Since there was a close resemblance betweenthe C-banded karyotypes of T.turgidum and the A and B genomes of common wheat, everychromosome of T.turgidum was correctly identified. Nine chromosomes of T.timopheevihad prominent bands and the rest had faint bands. Although seven heavily banded chromo-somes of T.timopheevi were assumed to constitute the G genome and the remaining seventhe A genome, no decisive allocation to wheat homeologous group was possible. A methodof allocating the T.timopheevi chromosomes was discussed.
- 奈良大学の論文
奈良大学 | 論文
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