Structure of the human M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor bound to an antagonist
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認知症や心機能の抑制に関係する受容体の立体構造を世界で初めて解明-より効果的で副作用のない治療薬の探索・設計が可能に-. 京都大学プレスリリース.2012-01-26.The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system regulates the activity ofmultiple organ systems.Muscarinic receptorsare G-protein-coupled receptors that mediate the response to acetylcholine released from parasympathetic nerves1–5. Their role in the unconscious regulation of organ and central nervous system function makes them potential therapeutic targets for a broad spectrum of diseases. The M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M2 receptor) is essential for the physiological control of cardiovascularfunction through activation of G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassiumchannels, and is of particular interest because of its extensive pharmacological characterization with both orthosteric and allosteric ligands.Herewe report the structure of the antagonistboundhumanM2 receptor, the first human acetylcholine receptor to be characterized structurally, to our knowledge. The antagonist 3-quinuclidinyl-benzilate binds in the middle of a long aqueous channel extending approximately two-thirds through the membrane.The orthosteric binding pocket is formed by amino acids that are identical in all five muscarinic receptor subtypes, and sharesstructural homology with other functionally unrelated acetylcholine binding proteins from different species. A layer of tyrosine residues forms an aromatic cap restricting dissociation of the bound ligand.A binding site for allosteric ligands has been mapped to residues at the entrance to the binding pocket near this aromatic cap. The structure of the M2 receptor provides insights into the challenges of developing subtype-selective ligands for muscarinic receptors and their propensity for allosteric regulation.
- 2012-01-25
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