3-11原発事故の後、現代技術と人間の関係をどう考えるか : ハイデガー技術論との対話の中から
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A negative campaign has been going on in recent media discourses which exonerates, relying upon Martin Heidegger's philosophy on technology, the responsibility of the Power company, government and related scientists and professionals for what happened at the Fukushima nuclear power station after the earthquake and tsunami of 3-11. In the first half of the present article Heidegger's "The question concerning technology" and "The turning" are examined carefully checking if Heidegger is admitting the automatic self-motion of technology that can never controlled by human being as some critiques explain. Heidegger's proposal for renovating technology-human relationship is interpreted to show that his argument using the term 'turning' is not at all illusory but reasonable to some extent. As he states the dignity of human being 'lies in keeping watch over the unconcealment-and with it, from the first, the concealment - of all coming to presence on this earth. 'This watching over is the task of democratic society in which further creative improvements are needed for institutional systems. However, we cannot stay with Heidegger further because of his deep repulsion to democracy as well as of his deep faith in fundamental Nazism even in the Spiegel interview of 1966. Then proposed is a program toward rational and realistic theory of technology that can cope with the situation after 3-11. Definition of the essence of technology, 'The essence of technology is the mechanism in the production force/process.', is provided. Based on this the problem area of the theory of technology to reshape the modern democratic, but risky, society to make it able to handle technology issues in more effective and sure manner for the era of post 3-11.
- 2011-12-22
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