インド共和国グジャラート州カンバートにおける紅玉髄製ビーズ生産 : 研究序説
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Khambhat is an old port town facing Bay of Khambhat at the southern edge of District Anand, the State of Gujarat, Republic of India. The town is world famous for its manufacture of ornaments made from various kinds of semiprecious stones, specifically agate and carnelian, many of which are mined in western and central regions of India. In the last several decades, the production system has been mechanized extensively and electric polishing wheels and drilling machines have been introduced for making beads. However, traditional or hand operated technique is still considered to be far more superior in workmanship because of its accuracy and finishing quality, though this is more time consuming and thus expensive. Many ethnoarchaeological study has been carried out especially by scholars specialized in the Indus Civilization which is characterized by manufacture of same kinds of beads made from same kinds of stones as at present Khambhat. The authors are also currently carrying out research on the Indus Civilization and the present study focuses on technological as well as social background of the carnelian bead making at Khambhat. The final aim is to understand the entire system of manufacture of beads at Khambhat, which could be used as comparative data for analysis on the manufacturing activities of the Indus Civilization.
- 2011-12-22