Reproductive Behavior of the Japanese Spineless Cuttlefish Sepiella japonica
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The reproductive behavior of the Japanese spineless cuttlefish Sepiella japonica was observed in a tank. The males competed for females before egg-laying and then formed pairs with females. The male then initiated mating by pouncing on the female head, and maintained the male superior head-to-head position during the mating. Before ejaculation, the male moved his right (non-hectocotylized) arm IV under the ventral portion of the female buccal membrane, resulting in the dropping of parts of spermatangia placed there during previous matings. After the sperm removal behavior, the male held spermatophores ejected through his funnel with the base of hectocotylized left arm IV and transferred them to the female buccal area. The spermatophore transfer occurred only once during each mating. The female laid an egg capsule at average intervals of 1.5 min and produced from 36 to more than 408 egg capsules in succession during a single egg-laying bout. Our results also suggested one female produced nearly 200 fertilized eggs without additional mating, implying that the female have potential capacity to store and use active sperm properly. The male continued to guard the spawning female after mating (range=41.8-430.1 min), and repeated matings occurred at an average interval of 70.8 min during the mate guarding. Although the time spent on the sperm removal in S. japonica was shorter than in other sperm-removing cuttlefishes, the shorter sperm removal duration may be compensated by the post-copulatory mate guarding and repeated matings in this species.水槽内でのシリヤケイカSepiella japonicaの繁殖行動を観察した。シリヤケイカの雄は雌が産卵を開始する前に雌をめぐって闘争し,ペアを形成した。ペア雄は雌の頭部に覆い被さる形で交接を始め,雄上位のままで雌雄の頭部が向き合う交接体勢を維持した。雄は自らの精莢を射出する前に,雌の口球周口腹下部で右第IV腕を動かすことによって,過去の交接によってそこに付着させられていた精子塊の一部を落下させた。その精子除去行動後,雄は交接腕である左第IV腕の根元で漏斗から吐き出した精莢をつかみ,雌の口球下部に渡した。この精莢輸送は各交接で1回だけであった。雌は平均1.5分の間隔で産卵基質に卵嚢を1つずつ産みつけ,一連の産卵行動で36から408個以上の卵嚢を産出した。また,本研究では1個体の雌が追加の交接なして200個近くの受精卵を産出することが示され,シリヤケイカの雌は過去の交接によって貯えられた精子を必要な時に受精に使う能力を持つと考えられた。それに対して雄は交接後も産卵雌を他雄からガードし続け(交接後ガード時間の範囲=41.8〜430.1分),そのガード行動中に平均70.8分の間隔で繰り返し交接を行った。シリヤケイカの雄が精子除去に費やす時間は他のコウイカ類のそれらと比べて短かったが,永続的な交接後ガード行動と繰り返し交接が短時間の精子除去から推測された本種の低い精子置換率を補償しているかもしれない。
- 2006-09-30
論文 | ランダム
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