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目的:青年期に外傷性高次脳機能障害となった当事者が、就労維持を通して自己の障害をどう受容していくのか、そのプロセスを明らかにすることとした。 研究方法:現在就労している青年期の外傷性高次脳機能障害者を脳外傷当事者組織(患者・家族会)から紹介してもらい、インタビューガイドに沿って半構造化面接を行った。分析方法は修正版M-GTAを使用した。 結果:分析焦点者は 7 名、分析テーマを「青年期外傷性高次脳機能障害者の退院後、初めて就労してから現在の就労維持に至るプロセス」とした。分析の結果、≪他者と自己の障害認識との対立≫をコアカテゴリーとする 9 つのカテゴリーが抽出された。初めての就労で、障害の現実を突き付けられ≪見つからない居場所≫≪障害者としての不当な扱い≫で≪コントロールできない怒り≫を呈していた。しかし≪第三者の存在によるサポート≫によって意識が変化し≪自信獲得への挑戦≫や≪自分の就労スタイルを確保≫していくようになった。また、根底には「できない自分」を自覚しつつ自分の障害を受容し≪障害者でも認められる社会を希求≫している状況があった。一方で、≪自立できない金銭管理≫が存在するという現状が明らかとなった。 結論:当事者は、第 3 者のサポートで意識変化し、障害を問い続けながら、自己にあった就労スタイルで就労を続け、就労を通して障害を受容していくプロセスがあった。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the process of how personsconcerned, who acquired traumatic higher brain dysfunction in adolescence, areaccepting their dysfunction through their job retention after their accidents. : The Brain Injury Self-help Organization (an association for the disabledand their families) were asked to introduce the persons concerned who are working,and the range of data collection covered the process of getting their present jobafter being discharged from the hospital and what they think of keeping their jobin the future. This is a qualitative and descriptive research study using a Kinoshitamodified version of the Grounded Theory Approach (hereafter referred as to “MGTA”.) : As a result, seven persons were selected as analytically focused persons.As a result of repeatedly scrutinizing the data, the analytical theme of this researchwas decided as “Process from first job acquisition of persons with traumatic higherbrain dysfunction in adolescence after being discharged from the hospital to theirpresent job retention.” In the process, nine categories were chosen after the analysis. There was[Conflict between the recognition of one's own dysfunction and others] as a corecategory, and in the first job acquisition, there was [Anger that cannot becontrolled] against [No place for oneself] and [Unfair treatment of the disabled].However, their consciousness was changed by [Support from the existence of athird party] into [Challenging oneself for building self-confidence] and then [Securingone's own job style]. Being aware of oneself, who cannot do well, they wereaccepting their own disability and [Aspiring for a society where the disabled areaccepted]. Meanwhile, because they could not manage the money that they hadearned, the process of [Managing money can not independence] became clear. : It was suggested that support from the existence of a third partychanged the awareness of persons with higher brain dysfunction is largely triggeredby [Support from the existence of a third party]. And through their jobexperience, they managed to accept their own disabilities.
- 2011-12-27
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