大学1年生における希望業種の男女間比較 -「大学生のキャリア意識調査」の分析-
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This paper conducted a comparative analysis of male and female college freshmen with regard to the type of business they hope to work in and their aspirations for the future. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted on three occasions. The analysis results showed the following: (1) There is a difference in the career preferred by male and female students. Male students tended to choose the post of a civil servant/ public servant/ government worker, while female students wished to be employed in the private sector. (2) Male students hoped to work in the secondary and tertiary sectors, while female students hoped to work only in the tertiary sector. The difference with regard to “Hope type of business” among males is large compared with females. (3) There was a significant difference among male and female students with regard to the relation between the type of business they hoped to work in and their aspirations for the future. Further, it can be said that there was a difference in the distribution of the type of business that male and female students hoped to work in, because the reasons for aspiring to work in the particular business varied between both sexes. (4) The tendency was observed that the span of “Hope type of business” spread over time after entry to college.
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