人的資源管理論とキャリア論 -統合的枠組み構築にむけて-
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Under the currently changing socio-economic circumstances, while strong employment security has gradually declined, people must seek to find their own career vision at each stage in their career, Cooperate restructuring and downsizing have combined to link corporate strategy with HRM in order to accomplish the goal of companies as well as employees. Under these circumstances, this paper aims to construct an integrative framework able to analyze recent trends concerning companies and employees, while surveying previous studies relating SHRM and career theory mainly in a Western context. SHRM is a kind of HRM notion which places emphasis on the linkage between organizational strategy and human resource practices. The perspective of SHRM insists on the importance human resources, however, it takes less interest in the career process in which people develop their occupational skills. On the other hand, career theory provides many useful suggestions for improving SHRM because career theory takes the perspective ocusing on the process of people’s career development. Using each theory’s merits respectively, we will be able to build an integrative framework by which many current HRM and career related issues can be resolved in Japan.
論文 | ランダム
- 第 2 篇 殺菌効果について(結核化学療法剤の毎日投与法と間歇投与法との効果比較に関する試験管内実験的研究)
- 第 1 篇 結核菌発育抑制効果について(結核化学療法剤の毎日投与法と間歇投与法との効果比較に関する試験管内実験的研究)
- 結核化学療法剤の毎日投与法と間歇投与法との効果比較に関する試験管内実験的研究-1〜3-
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