The Use of the Japanese Nonfinite Form -te in Second Language Narrative Discourse
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The purpose of the current study is to investigate the use of the Japanese nonfinite form -te in second language (L2) narratives. Japanese is a clause-chaining language, in which clauses are connected with nonfinite, and unified with a finite verb. The acquisition of L2 verbal morphology has been examined within two frameworks: the Aspect Hypothesis and the Discourse Hypothesis. The former claims that learners start to use past marking predominantly with achievement verbs which express events that occur at a given time (e.g., break), and progressive morphemes with activity verbs (e.g., walk). The latter states that learners use verbal morphology to distinguish main events from background information in narratives. Nonfinite forms, however, have never been focused on within either hypothesis. The present research is the cross sectional study in which 59 English natives learning Japanese, grouped into three proficiency levels (i.e., novice, intermediate, and advanced), and 20 Japanese natives were requested to narrate a wordless picture book. The distribution patterns of finite and nonfinite verbal morphemes in their narratives were examined in terms of lexical aspect and narrative structure. The major findings were as follows: (a) like the past morpheme, the te-form is frequently attached to achievement verbs, indicating the completion of a punctual event, and (b) the low proficiency learners marked the chronologically sequent events with past regardless of thematic significance, and gradually the te-conjunction emerged to mark the temporally ordered yet thematically insignificant events and past marked the main narrative events (i.e., the temporally ordered and thematically significant events).英語を母国語とする日本語学習者を対象に、物語の中で使われる「シテ」形接続(例:食べて、見て、等)が動詞の持つアスペクト的特徴に影響されるか、また物語全体で一つの出来事をどのように位置付けるかによって「シテ」形接続の使用が影響されるかを調査した。学習者と母国語話者に24枚の続きの絵を見て、物語を作ってもらい、その中に使われている動詞述語を分析した。その結果、本研究の学習者は到達動詞に「シテ」形接続を頻繁に用いる傾向が見られた。また、到達動詞は過去形にも頻繁に変化される傾向が見られた。その両者を比較した結果、物語のテーマには直接関係しないが、物語の主要な出来事の補足説明をする事柄に「シテ」形接続を、物語をすすめる際の必要な出来事に過去形「タ」を使用する傾向が見られた。動詞接続形式における第二言語習得の先行研究がこれまで報告されていないので、本研究はその先駆けとなり、意義ある研究と言える。
- 2000-03-31
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