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本論文は、沖縄県糸満市の「摩文仁(まぶに)の丘」と呼ばれる戦跡空間を事例として、沖縄戦の戦死者表象を巡る記憶のポリティクスを考察するものである。本稿の目的は、まず、摩文仁の丘を巡って、沖縄戦の戦死者がどのように表象されてきたのかを明らかにすることである。とりわけ、1995年、摩文仁の丘の麓に建設された、約24万の戦死者の名が刻まれた記念碑、「平和の礎(いしじ)」が分析の対象となる。その「平和の礎」を巡る諸種の言説や実践を検証する作業を通して、<戦後>という時間的・認識的区分に表された、「想像の共同体」の外縁(外枠)を捉えることが、最終的な目的である。第1章では、1960年代に始まる摩文仁の丘の上の慰霊塔群の「靖国化」と、丘の下の「平和の礎」を巡る「靖国化」について検証した。第2章では、「<平和>のイマジネール」という概念を提唱した上で、丘の上と下の共通性について指摘し、第3章では、小泉純一郎首相を事例に、「平和の礎」を「靖国なるもの」に接合するレトリックについて分析した。そして、第4章と第5章では、「平和の礎」における、ある「平和ガイド」の語りの実践に見出される、個々の戦死者を基点(起点)とする沖縄戦の想起の在り方に着目し、そこから、「<平和>のイマジネール」に規定された<戦後>を脱構築する可能性、ポスト<戦後>への布石を看取した。Mabuni Hill, where the Japanese military set up its final headquarters during the Battle of Okinawa, has been a symbolic memorial ever since the early postwar years. The entire region was designated as the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park by Okinawa Prefecture. The significance of the top of the hill is different from that of the bottom. The prefecture demarcated the top of the hill as reiiki, ie., a sacred space like the Yasukuni Shrine dedicated to the spirits of the war dead. On the other hand, the bottom of the hill was designated as a peace memorial. On the top of the hill, there are a lot of monuments erected by other prefectures and the National War Dead Peace Mausoleum, which contains the ashes of unknown soldiers and civilians. At the bottom of the hill, there are many facilities and spaces that are appropriate for a peace memorial. During the 1960s, many of the monuments on the top of the hill were erected in rapid succession. People termed this transformation of the landscape on the hilltop as "Yasukuni-ka" (Yasukuni-ization) in later years. The most famous place in the peace memorial at the bottom of the hill is the Cornerstone of Peace, which was constructed by Okinawa Prefecture in 1995. The names of everyone who died during the war are inscribed on itirrespective of their nationality or whether they were soldiers or civilians. Recently, it has been said that the peace memorial is on the verge of Yasukuni-ization. This circumstance is inseparably related to the earlier Yasukuni-ization of the hilltop. The purpose of this study is to describe how the war dead of the Battle of Okinawa have been represented in Mabuni Hill. We explore our "imagined community" in the postwar time frame. The first question to be asked is why the phenomenon of Yasukuni-ization of Mabuni emerged during the 1960s. The second point to be considered is the Yasukuni-ization of the Cornerstone of Peace. Finally, we examine one peace-guide's actual narrative of the Battle of Okinawa in the Cornerstone of Peace. Based on the above mentioned analyses, we can suggest an alternative relationship between the war dead and us beyond the framework of the narrative of the nation-state of Japan.
- 2007-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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