Chromosome Numbers of Selected Vascular Plant Species from Sakhalin, Moneron and the Kurile Islands
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Chromosome numbers for 33 vascular plant species of 29 genera and 16 families, from Sakhalin, Moneron and the Kurile Islands, are given. The chromosome numbers were reported here for the first time for following 11 taxa: Acelidanthus anticleoides, Artemisia unalaskensis, Carex microtricha, Gaultheria miqueliana, Hypericum yezoense, Macropodium pterospermum, Pinguicula macroceras, Poa sugawarae, Rumex regelii, Taraxacum vestitum, Tephroseris kawakamii. In addition, for 12 species new cytotypes were revealed. At present, in Sakhalin, Moneron and the Kurile Islands chromosome numbers have been counted for 505 species, it means for about 18% of the total number of vascular plants in the Kuriles, and 24.5% in Sakhalin. Chromosome numbers are counted now also for 20 species from Moneron.
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