Human amniotic membrane and vitamin E /selenium for control of postoperative adhesion in dogs
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This study was undertaken to compare between the human amniotic membrane (HAM) andintraperitoneal vitamin E (Vit E) and selenium in prevention of postoperative adhesions indogs. A total of 18 apparently healthy adult Mongrel dogs were divided into three equalgroups and the group (I) was treated with a sterile solution of 0.9% sodium chlorideintraperitoneally as a control. Group II was treated with the HAM at jejunal enterotomywhile group III was treated with Vit E and selenium administered intraperitonally. Dogswere euthanized 30 days postoperatively for histopathological examination. The resultsshowed that both HAM and Vit E and selenium were effective in reduction of thepostoperative adhesion in comparison with the group I. In terms of extent of adhesions,there was no significant difference between the HAM group and the Vit E and seleniumgroup.
論文 | ランダム
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