Two-Dimensional Analysis of Nitrate Nitrogen Movement under Drip Irrigation
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The objective of this paper was to clarify the temporal and spatial two?dimensional variations of volumetric water content and NO_3?N concentration in soil under drip irrigation. A numerical model was used for estimating temporal and spatial movements of water and NO_3?N in soil. Laboratory experiments were conducted to estimate the physical properties such as soil water retentivity and conductivity. A field observation was conducted to evaluate the model accuracy. The temporal and spatial changes of volumetric water content and NO_3?N concentration in soil were measured in a 1m×1m×1 m lysimeter where NH_4NO_3 solution was supplied in a row. The results of simulation calculated by the model agreed well with observed data. By using the model, temporal and spatial variations of soil water content and NO_3?N concentration were calculated. The results described simultaneous movements of water and NO_3?N spreading in a soil profile. The numerical model introduced here can be effective to estimate variations of water and NO_3?N in soil.
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