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1997年山西省離石市石盤村で1基の漢墓が見つかり. 19点の画像石が出土した。うち基門の築造に用いられた上部の横石,枠石,廓石,墓室内のね:石がよく残っている。特に重要なのは,出土時に画像格欄内の削り取った下地に施された白粉が残っており,墨つぼで打ち出した墨線も鮮明であり,墓門,南道,東壁の題銘柱石などにみる画像の色彩も鮮やかで保存状態がよい。本文は調査報告書をもとに,現地考察結果を加味して,一部の画像石を本来の位置に彼元し,またすべての画像石の図像と画像格欄について詳細な記録と分析を行った。本文は「向心,適合,連続」の三方面から図像構造の特徴を概述し,次に「石面,減地,線色」の三層面からその簡約概括,手先の熟練と力強さ,端厳整然,自然流変等にみる特徴を明らかにし,また画像石の材料や|暁西省神木大保当i英墓との比較から,その風格の形成と源流関係を探索した。 In 1997,on e Han tomb and nineteen Huaxiangshi were excavated at Shipan village,Li shi City in Shan .ix Among them were ah orizontal stone,s ome stones for framing,a d oor stone for use in building ag rave and some poles in very good condition. Some white powder,or iginally painted on the frame's foundation (according to illustrations),r emained attached 10 t. The Iines drawn with the brushes were clear as were the colors of illustrations shown on the door of the grave. The pathway and the stone pole from the eastem wall were bright and well-preserved. On the basis of extensive research and additional observations of the local environment,the author was able to partially restore some Huaxiangshi to their original condition. These were registered and analyzed,as can be seen in illustrations and image frames of the Huaxiangshi in the text. The analysis included an examination of the features of the illustrations from three angles and this analysis was supplemented by an examination of the surface,texture and line co)ors of the stones. In combination,these allow us to see the high )eve) of craftsmanship and skiJ1 involved in these works. Finally the author explored the formation of the intrinsic moral character of those who produced these artifacts in comparison with similar works from Huaxiangshi and the Han tomb of Shenmudabaodang in Shanxi.
- 2011-06-30
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