嵌頓痔核の保存的治療後に根治手術としてALTA を施行した1例
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Aluminum potassium sulfate and tannic acid(ALTA)are able to induce noninvasive sclerosisand involution of hemorrhoids through initiation of inflammatory reaction. A77-year-old man wasadmitted to our hospital for an incarcerated hemorrhoid. We first performed the conservativetreatment. After three weeks, we performed ALTA sclerosing therapy. Although he had necrosisat the injection site and an anoderm ulcer on the1st post-operative day, he had few of pain and fever.He was cured on the32nd post-operative day. Although he had recurrence on the306th post-operativeday, we performed re-ALTA sclerosing therapy. After that, he had no relapse and had good qualityof life. For incarcerated hemorrhoids, the ALTA sclerosing therapy might be performed after someperiod of the conservative treatment.
- 2011-08-25
論文 | ランダム
- 知能に関する最近の研究 : 1960〜1966
- 333 母の像の意味についての実験(e.視聴覚教育・学習指導,3.学習心理)
- 815 京大NX知能検査報告(15) : 社会的経済的条件と下位検査成績
- 451 京大NX知能検査報告(14) : 10年前の成績との比較(4 学習・思考)
- 220 京大NX知能検査報告(14) : 10年前との成績比較