Musty odor of entomopathogens enhances disease-prevention behaviors in the termite Coptotermes formosanus.
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Termites often eliminate pathogens directly through mutual grooming, and are thereby prevent infections from entomopathogenic fungi. Our previous study confirmed that the antennae of Coptotermesformosanus sensitively responded to the musty odor of entomopathogenic fungi. However, it is unclear if this odor has any effect on termite behavior. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of fungal odor on termite behavior, especially on conidia removal. The musty odor was prepared as an aqueous solution by immersing conidia in distilled water. When untreated termites were mixed with fungal-odor-treated termites at a ratio of 4:1, mutual grooming and attack of treated termites were frequently observed. This indicated that the fungal odor triggered these behavioral responses. While some components of the fungal odor were found in all of the entomopathogenic fungi tested, the odor profiles differed among the isolates.
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