国際学からの「核」批判 : "プルトニウム・ロード"の彼方、地球市民社会の行方(研究論文)
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Since the dawn of nuclear material plutonium, the artificial 94th element named after Pluto, king of Hell 70 years ago, we are forced to be integrated in developing "plutonium society" which means increasing dependence on nuclear energy for maintaining our livelihoods. Plutonium was originally developed for the purpose of military application i.e. atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Manhattan Project for succeeding in atomic explosion was accomplished by spending 2 billion dollars and mobilizing 600 thousands peoples in total by the US authorities. From the origin on nuclear development, the project was totally under the control of authoritarian bureaucracy, and that gigantic modern technologies were kept accompanied with increasing secrecy as well as strengthening oppress against civilians' rights. Also in Japan, the country experienced in nuclear catastrophes, this trend has developed in the period of post World War Two when so-called peaceful development of nuclear power has been deployed. At present, 54 nuclear reactors including fast breeder reactor or FBR Monju are operating in Japan. For more than 40 years, the volume of accumulated plutonium has been rapidly increased as well as increasing dangerous nuclear wastes that cannot be safely disposed by any modern technology. For establishing nuclear fuel re-cycle system, Japan's authorities are violently rushing into operating "nuclear fuel recycle factories" in Rokkasho village at Aomori prefecture, northern region of Japan's mainland. However, the present way of nuclear utilization inevitably causes strengthened center-periphery discriminations and enforcement of sociopolitical contradictions to the weak civilians in rural communities. As R. Jungk criticized, deepening dependence on nuclear power will lead society to be more authoritarian one, and civilians' rights will be more fragile under the name of safety management of it. We can see nuclear power has spread globally not only by military use but also by "peaceful" way such as worldwide business for selling nuclear power plants to the emerging markets. But this trend will endanger global citizens' society to break up by increasing oppression from the authorities. Through tracing on the developing "plutonium-road" where human being has been forced to be integrated in, we can consider how we should make actions for being liberated from fatal menace of Pluto, king of Hell.
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