Right-handed sneutrino dark matter in supersymmetric B - L model
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We show that the lightest right-handed sneutrino in TeV scale supersymmetric B - L model with inverse seesaw mechanism is a viable candidate for cold dark matter. We find that it accounts for the observed dark matter relic abundance in a wide range of parameter space. The spin-independent cross section of B - L right-handed sneutrino is consistent with the recent results CDMS II and XENON experiments and it is detectable in future direct detection experiments. Although the B-L right-handed sneutrinos annihilate into leptons, the PAMELA results can not be explained in this model unless a huge boost factor is considered. Also the muon flux generated by B -L right-handed sneutrino in the galactic center is smaller than Super-Kamiokande's upper bound. © SISSA 2011.
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