Extraction Method of Abnormal Parts in Retinal Layers from Optical Coherence Tomography Image
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Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imageis very useful to the diagnosis and the follow up evaluation ofthe response to treatment using either medication or surgery,and it is an emerging medical imaging technology for performinghigh resolution cross-sectional images. In ophthalmology,this technology can provide 3D images of retinal architecture,and it is useful for identifying, monitoring, quantitatively assessingof retinal disease. Evaluations of quantitative informationon retinal architecture especially on the abnormal partsare importance to diagnosis the degree of abnormal and toconsider a treatment approach. This research proposes a newextraction method for the abnormal regions of retina from 3DOCT images using the combination of digital image processingmethods. Our research objectives are extracting the borderline of abnormal parts of 3D OCT retinal images. This researchuses 128 2D OCT images about one retina of a patient,which is specified the part of macular by an ophthalmologist.We can extract some border lines of abnormal parts in OCTretinal images by using image processing techniques.
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